The Godfather - The Game of Tycoons

    This novel by Mario Puzo is a true masterpiece, a great and heroic masterpiece about one of America's most famous mafia families after WWII. Everything has been written down. Every detail, dialogue, happenings, life story, and job story of each character are engraved in "The Godfather" (original English title: "Godfather"). It's so beautifully illustrated, so addictive, that I wish I had a panacea to keep me awake all day so I could devour the book until the very last page. Against the backdrop of those intense emotions, messages about humanity blend perfectly with the brutality of the underworld and the reality of a confused America. , gold and brass are mixed, as if sweet white milk and bitter black coffee are mixed, then merge and form the famous delicious cappuccino - as famous as mafia families are. A classic figure in this novel, originally from the Italian island of Sicily.

    The central character of "The Godfather" is, of course, Vito Corleone, the godfather and powerful boss of the Corleone mafia family. It is quite commendable of the author Mario Puzo to have created a central character who is influential and of great stature with his skillful pen and thinking beyond all previous frameworks about the underworld. That shattered all my preconceived notions about the head of a mafia organization. Living in the underworld is like living like Vito, working in the underworld is like working like Vito, and fighting in the underworld is like fighting like Vito. It is a way of living, working, and fighting that is infused with the culture of people of Italian origin, specifically Sicilians, who value family traditions, friendship, and interpersonal friendship. Those who consider underworld and business behavior must always think carefully before making a decision, not hating anyone, everyone pressing down on them, shooting them off, and blowing up. guns, but "spreading a mattress" (Corleone's term for killing someone) deserves a hero's face. It is a way of seeing, thinking, and working that values humanity and the strength of the masses, always attempting and committing to assisting as many people as possible in order to create deep relationships, or at the very least a debt. Vito Corleone's more careful consideration of every move, specific, wise, and unpredictable strategies have helped him become a formidable godfather, a deep and dangerous snake, making enemies shy and timid, at the same time, he is an omnipotent being full of goodwill and kindness towards friends, relatives, and relatives around.


    In addition to the godfather, the novel's dense but easy-to-follow character network includes high-ranking henchmen, the heads of each "white faucet." octopus" in the union, governing different parts of the New York territory - each with a different personality, working style, and fate, loyal as well as betrayal. On the outskirts of the men's mafia war are lovers, wives, and children who, because of the nature of their work "in birth and death," do not know when their husbands and fathers, have had to accept a reclusive life, completely breaking with the work she once dreamed of, as well as her husband's own work, to devote herself to being a gentle wife, a mother who follows the traditional Sicilian female model, day and night. After so much death and bloodshed, she can only pray for her husband's soul to find forgiveness and peace.

    With such a dense network of characters, the author is far too astute and skilled in how to construct and convey images of those characters to the reader's heart, from how to endow them with their own unique traits. In the midst of chaos and confusion, the concept of life, typical behavior and manners, is highlighted and pushed to the climax with lines and sentences bold in mafia nature, to the way of chapters and chapters. story. Each book, each chapter, is an opportunity for each character to talk about his or her life, to freely wave between each page imbued with the quintessence of American literature, thereby providing the reader with the same opportunity to learn more deeply about the characters and events taking place in their lives, so that even if they don't fall in love, readers will be impressed with each piece of life, each person, each number. which they have read through.

    Reading "The Godfather" is like reading a family history of modern American society. It is a family, with all of its joys and sorrows. A family welcomes the joy of seeing their children marry and the arrival of new grandchildren, as well as the atmosphere of seriousness, deep calculations, and cold, deep, dangerous work. Corleone became a family of unavoidable losses, of mourning buried inside the choked hearts of fathers and mothers who lost children - of godfather Vito when he learned that his son had died tragically in the throat. the enemy's payment gun, but brave and rational enough not to give up, to work with dry eyes and pain hidden inside. And that family is set in the context of the United States in the post-war years of mixed gold, a confused America where big fish bully small fish and justice belongs to those with the most money and power. most ruthless; the cops collude with the gangsters to trade drugs, act as henchmen for various mafia unions, and earn extra "wage" illegally with the profession to which they have committed themselves.


    The image of such an America is portrayed vividly but painfully, eloquently but full of rage, not only through the image of the Corleone mafia family in the midst of having to steer the syndicate boat through the stormy waves, overcome the bloody war and confrontation of the "Five Families of the Great War," but also through the harsh fates, the low-income people, the government, and the law they believe in. The idea of denying justice, of denying adequate compensation to victims and proper punishment for those who caused the pain, had to yield to the godfather Vito in order for justice to be served in another way. The dark side of American society, of a world where Vito refuses to play by its rules, with his strong will and strong family background, making his own rules, his own country love to rule, to realize his own American dream, formed the perfect backdrop to the deep dark and suspenseful substance of every business development of the Corleone family, turning "The Godfather" " into not only a perfect scripture about the underworld with its nefarious business.

    "The Godfather" has a touching human side that always goes hand in hand with the intensity and violence, even in the midst of the brutal, gypsy atmosphere and the dangerous deep calculations of the Corleone family. and the scheming shudder That aspect of life is expressed through Michael - the new boss of the Corleone family - a simple and righteous wish for his children, the children he hopes will grow up in peace and quiet, becoming a scientist, doctor, musician, lawyer, or any other honest profession without having to be involved in the mafia world full of dangers and fragility. The life-death line That aspect of life is also reflected in Kay Adams' briefly shattered faith in her husband Michael, the faith in an ideal tycoon "do whatever you want, but don't kill people, especially especially family" that the beloved daughter of a virtuous pastor has innocently built over the years. Unfortunately, this is the underworld, a world with its own set of rules, harsh laws, and brutal treatment of traitors, including the boss's own family. Loyal people are welcomed, while traitors must be eliminated; sometimes, in order to keep relatives and friends safe and uphold the family's centuries-old traditional mafia foundation, someone's blood must be spilled, and someone's life must be taken. Kay Adams has no choice but to accept this fact, accept the nature of her husband's work as it is, and, with sincere ascetic prayers, pray for her husband's soul many years later to be able to rest in peace and escape God's harsh punishment...

    "'The Godfather' is the sum of all knowledge. 'The Godfather' is the answer to all questions," famous Hollywood actor Tom Hanks once said. Indeed, because it's rare that a classic novel I've ever read can encapsulate an entire era, a vivid, humanistic Italian mafia culture and tradition that is also painful and violent. ruined in that way Read on, and let the godfather Vito Corleone or our own author Mario Puzo tell you everything you want to know about the underworld, about gangsters who are also extremely upright, about a black-and-white turbulent post-war American society, about the intelligence and other qualities required of a leader of a large family, about lives whose fates are intertwined with pain and light. the majesty of the mighty Corleone "reign".

Hai Huynh

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