The Hunchback of Notre Dame: Love, Angle and Devil


    On a rainy night, I fold a thick book. Closing my eyes, I felt like a dimly lit image of Paris was bleak and sullen beneath the image of a faint, dreamy moon that vanished behind the misty clouds and entangled night dew.

    I'm alone, tapping on the cobblestone floor, clapping, and counting the echoes in the quiet and silent Paris night. Notre-Dame de Paris first appeared in the 15th century after a wide square. This was a completely deserted moment. We were alone on the gallows, feeling the cold air on our shoulders, threading our fingers through each hairline and listening to it. The wind whispers ancient stories of mystery and monsters...

    This is the starting point for everything. It is both the starting and ending point. Priest, hunchback, and young lady First and foremost, let us discuss the hunchback of Notre Dame, the ugliest creature known by the strange name Quasimodo. Born from a cynical error in creation, it has grown up with mocking laughter, cursing, hatred, and disgust... Growing up with all of the bad words The most unique way to fill in the gaps is to finish the body that has been missing since its inception. What did the author have in mind when he created a human, or rather, such a hideous creature? He would have chosen to die from the moment he was born if he had been given a choice, a foretaste of his life. But he was not chosen.

    For him, living is also a form of torture. Especially when Esmeralda, the Gypsy girl, appeared and ended his already bad life. Is that lovely Bohemian girl an angel, or the incarnation of the devil, deceiving God's sheep? The girl shines like the sun. Fate has kept her from her mother since birth, and she luckily met her before she died, giving her a wandering life with enough beauty to make anyone's heart flutter. The girl must be envious, but the cost is her youth and life. Her beauty was what led her to the gallows. However, it must be acknowledged that the road may be so short because she is not intelligent. Stupid is lovely, but stupid is disastrous. She brought light to her despondent mother, and it was she who brutally extinguished her hopes by forcing her to watch her slowly strangle herself. But the grieving old woman was fortunate in that she died before the girl because watching her daughter die on the gallows would later devastatingly kill her. Infinity strangled her with the hand of despair. Because of the girl, because of her beauty, as well as her stupidity and foolishness, the three people, including her mother, the hunchback, and the priest (not to mention the dozens of "people" among the scoundrels who died in front of the church while attempting to rescue her), had to die as a matter of course.

    The girl is the pivotal point in their lives, and death is the final chapter.

    Ignoring the beautiful Bohemian girl's stupidity and foolishness, the priest character is the most frightening in this novel. A learned monk and a brother who has lost his teaching. A learned monk and a brother who has lost his teaching. A person who forced himself (or was forced?) into the shackles and mold of chaotic Parisian society at the time in an austere, rational, and even harsh manner. He pushed the soul and the body to the point where the quantity became substance and the object became extremely repulsive. The void in his soul that no science or research could fill swayed him like a canoe in the sea. swollen and wobbly The blue sea rose when the girl appeared. stunned and inebriated Lust for one's body, lust for one's soul. Things he had once considered lustful and evil, things he had suppressed, pressed into the depths of his heart, covered with dust over the years, bottled and sealed, were now in the hands of the charming and beautiful Esmeralda. without hastily pulling out and opening the lid A bottle of wine that has been aged for a long time is suddenly impacted, causing the bottle to crack due to the alcohol vapor and pent-up pressure. Trembling hands grip the cap, which prevents the contents of the bottle from spilling and contaminating the soul of a priest or monk.

    It's unfortunate for someone who has never known what love is. In the hot summer afternoon, a man as dry as the scene of firewood caught fire and burned fiercely. It consumes the air, extinguishes the flame, and eventually vanishes. There were only a few ashes left.

    He had no idea how to love, and the girl taught him a lesson for which he would have to pay with his life. A costly lesson for both the man and the woman. The guy with a twisted soul and great scientific awareness, but a love deviant, chose to display his emotions as extreme and monstrous, if not scary and selfish, as humans. guy. His soul is torn; he vacillates between two extremes. One side wishes to protect the girl, while the other wishes to destroy her. I just wanted to kiss the couple.

Hai Huynh

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